Advertising Packages on YD

We have an advanced classifieds platform called Yalla Deals, powered by E- Socializer. It’s one of the fastest-growing portals in the region. Boost your marketing efforts by combining the power of E- Socializer with our Yalla Deals portal, which conveniently comes built-in with the AI engine if you purchase a premium ad or a package.

Yalla Deals is a platform that redefines how online buying and selling should be. With Yalla Deals, you don’t have to manage your ads much no matter how they’re published, whether manually or through an integration with your CRM. Yalla Deals is built on top of E-Socializer, which does the following “magical” things:

  • Automatically reads and analyzes your ad content.
  • Categorizes your ads and matches them with the best audience profiles.
  • Intelligently launches and monitors marketing campaigns.
  • Achieves optimal results with detailed performance reports.